Being able to provide a B2C-style online purchasing experience for B2B customers is essential in today’s world. So, what stops some B2B retailers from upgrading to a more powerful e-Commerce system?
I outlined two of the four main barriers to B2B retail success in this blog. If you’re keen to ramp up customer acquisition and retention, upsell and cross-sell capabilities then read on to discover the other two barriers to success, and how you can overcome them…
Overcoming barrier 3: Time to Market
Organisations can be unsure of how to start their digital transformation journey and reluctant to scope out a project that could take years to bear any fruit. Changing the technology environment of an e-Commerce business used to take a very, very long time, but this is no longer the case.
We have configured SAP Commerce Cloud to make available specific sets of integrations and key features. By combining our knowledge of industry best practices with the most essential functions of SAP Commerce Cloud, the resulting SAP Qualified Partner Package, Hylight Commerce for B2B, combines software and services to digitally transform organisations for a fixed price. Due to the wide scope and richness of the SAP Commerce Cloud platform, it’s easy to add more functionality as the business grows.
Hylight Commerce for B2B enables retailers to launch and go-to-market very quickly in the cloud, within 18 weeks in fact, which delivers a super-fast return on investment. We’ve even taken a traditional retailer from absolutely nothing in the digital space to trading and taking money online within seven weeks.
Overcoming barrier 4: Skills Shortage
If a retailer doesn’t have the right people internally to manage a program of B2B commerce change, they may not think it’s possible yet to start their digital transformation. If they do have the skills internally, they may be too busy to release the best-fit talent from the day-to-day running of the business.
We empower our clients to make the changes they need so they can thrive in this increasingly digital economy. We make it easier for B2B retailers to invest in the right technology and the right platform and ensure we provide highly skilled people to guide and support the business; whether that’s knowledge-sharing, co-working on implementations, or fully taking over their digital transformation process.

Don’t delay your digital transformation
As that wise business guru, Tony Soprano, from The Sopranos TV show, says, “More is lost from indecision than wrong decision”. A wise decision is to start the journey, to take that first step knowing that any digital transformation journey is a continuous evolution.
As the world changes, a business must also change and there will always be new goals to achieve and new barriers to knock down. By getting up and running quickly with the power of today’s technology, and working with an experienced implementation partner, you can start to evolve your digital offering.
If you’re not sure what B2B online could look like for you, this whitepaper outlines the top 10 eCommerce capabilities for B2B online success. We’re more than happy to explore this with you in further detail, just contact to start the conversation.
Greenlight Commerce remote working
If you are concerned that any future Covid-19 restrictions could delay your e-Commerce project, rest assured that we have been fully set up to work remotely for many years now. We can remotely consult, demo, scope, setup, onboard, host, train, support and continue to partner with you. All of our systems are cloud-based so our clients can check progress, reporting and even access ‘show and tell sessions’ during a build, at any time and from any device.