We’ve developed a tried & tested process for requirements refinement and solution design.
Our tried and tested Discovery process sets the foundation for the entire project and minimises delivery time and issues during all future phases. Depending on the stage of the project, and the skills within your business, we can provide expertise of different breadth and depth to enhance or deliver a process that defines the initial project, but also sets the direction for future phases.
what we offer
Using this tried and tested method, our experts can help select; the right platform, validate the correct platform is in place, or deliver features based directly on the platform capabilities.
We build a specific schedule based on a list of over 20 workshops we’ve developed to meet the particular project needs. Each workshop has a specific agenda that helps find and explore the relevant requires and scope.
functional specification
The main outcome of the Discovery phase is a functional specification that defines all the features and functionality of the initial phase of the project, including annotated wireframes, integration points and non-functional requirements.
planning & governance
Our planning and governance experience is not only used during delivery of the discovery process itself, but is also a key deliverable as part of the process for the project build. We hold a specific workshop to agree a list of all parties who need to input to the project and then deliver a roles and responsibly matrix to ensure all parties are aware of their needed input, engagement process and relevant timings.