Greenlight Commerce holds an SAP Silver Partner, a BigCommerce Elite Partner, and Salesforce Commerce Cloud Business Partner status. We are proud to bear these Partner badges as they are evidence of our continued investment in the relationship with leading enterprise-level and mid-market eCommerce technology vendors. These also support our mission to integrate and build world-class, sales effective eCommerce sites for B2B, D2C, B2C. As a result, we can prioritise customer experience for our clients. Our work also extends to providing responsive support and value-added digital marketing growth strategies.
Partner status badges are good indicators of reputation but are not sufficient measurement and benchmark for the expertise and service offered by the potential solution partner. After all, you want eCommerce that sells.
Do you know that there are other points to consider as good yardsticks?
Up to date recognition from the technology vendor of the technical expertise and certified skills available in-house.
Such as the SAP Recognised Expertise Award from SAP. This is measured based on strict criteria of:
- Certified skills in house
- Successful projects implemented
- Customer interviews validating our skills and experience
Experience in implementing the latest technology version from the vendor.
Technology development is ongoing to ensure users have the best features to meet the demands of their customers and stay competitive in their industry.
Recent project timeframe of eCommerce sites.
Building a new eCommerce site from the ground up requires a deeper level of commitment to ‘see things through to success’ and also shows the desire to foster a business growth relationship with you.
Successful project rescues.
Taking over a failed project can sometimes be messy. From your perspective, budget and time have already been wasted so there’s no room for any more dead ducks.
Customer testimonials and success stories.
You know from your own B2C, D2C, or B2B business that your customers’ recommendations hold weight as gold; that they demonstrate the benefits you were able to offer/ will be offering to them. So a good word builds up your reputation.
Greenlight Commerce meet all these and more, check out the success metrics we aim to achieve for each project here.
Contact us and find out what’s possible for your business